The Chiropractic Art: Fact Or Fiction Find Out

Chiropractic is medically proven and combines “Science, Philosophy and Art”. Just like other health care professionals Doctors of Chiropractic use consultation; orthopaedic, neurological and physical examination including radiographic (x-ray) examination when needed.

Chiropractic manipulation is a safe and effective treatment for many neuromusculoskeletal conditions. Today, physiotherapists and several types of medical doctors also employ manipulation for certain conditions.

What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is an alternative form of health care that focuses on the musculoskeletal system and its relationship with the nervous system. It’s more than just a practice for “cracking backs” – it’s a symphony of techniques that include spinal adjustments, soft tissue therapy, exercise, and even dietary insights that help support the musculoskeletal system and unlock your body’s potential. If you’re in the area, check out a few chiropractors in Clarksville.

While most people associate chiropractors with that famous ‘cracking sound’, a chiropractic adjustment is more like a gentle nudge of the spine. It helps to align the spine and ensures the proper communication between the nerves and muscles. This is a crucial aspect of the nervous system’s overall performance, which in turn affects your mood, sleep, and immune function.

Chiropractors are trained to diagnose and treat a wide variety of ailments related to the bones, nerves, and muscles in your body. This includes but is not limited to back pain, neck pain, migraines, fibromyalgia, and other chronic conditions. They are also able to provide treatments for pregnant women, infants, and children.

After earning a bachelor’s degree, chiropractors undergo four years of graduate school to earn their doctorate degrees. They study topics such as biochemistry, clinical anatomy, and the human spine. In addition, they complete hands-on training in clinics and hospitals as part of their graduate studies. They learn about how to assess patients, how to perform manual adjustments, and how to apply their knowledge of the spine to patient treatment plans.

It’s important to find a quality chiropractor that is qualified and experienced. Look for a practitioner who practices open communication and provides comprehensive services, including spinal adjustments, soft tissue therapy, and lifestyle counseling. This way, you’ll know that your health is in good hands.

In addition to spinal manipulations, a chiropractor may use a range of other techniques to help ease muscle spasms and stiffness. These may include massage therapy, heat and ice treatment, joint bracing, kinesio taping, and nutritional consulting. With these tools in their arsenal, chiropractors are able to customize your path to optimal health. You’ll get a personalized plan that addresses your unique needs and aims to reduce pain, enhance athletic performance, improve posture, and boost immunity.

What is the Vertebral Adjustment?

Spinal adjustments are the manual and mechanical ways in which chiropractors skillfully apply controlled force into one or more “subluxated” vertebrae to correct the misalignment. The adjustment restores normal spinal movement and joint function, reduces nervous system interference, aids in reducing inflammation and increasing immune functions, helps the body to balance itself by decreasing stress and anxiety. This is the true definition of chiropractic, not just the treatment of symptoms of disease or accidents.

When patients think of chiropractic adjustments they often envision the chiropractors “cracking” or “popping” their backs and necks. This is not the case. While there are a few techniques that use a quick, precise thrust to separate the joints (such as the Logan Basic Technique) most chiropractic adjustments are very gentle and do not make a popping noise. The sound that comes from a joint during an adjustment is the result of gas (usually nitrogen) rushing in to fill a partial vacuum created by the separation of the joint surfaces. It is similar to the pop you might hear when you take the cork out of a champagne bottle.

Chiropractors have a vast number of methods for adjusting the spine and the extremities including:

There are many different types of chiropractic adjustments based on each chiropractor’s style and training. Each adjustment is tailored to each patient and their specific condition. The goal is to achieve the greatest degree of health and healing possible in the shortest amount of time.

Besides adjusting the spine, chiropractors are also trained to work on the shoulders, knees, elbows, hands, hips and feet. In fact, chiropractors have a much wider scope of knowledge than the average medical doctor.

A typical chiropractic visit will include a comprehensive health history and physical examination to evaluate the patient’s problem areas. After a thorough evaluation, the chiropractic doctor will recommend an individualized treatment plan. This may include spinal adjustments, soft tissue therapy (to relax tight muscles and release tension in the connective tissues that surround the muscle – fascia), exercises to improve flexibility, and lifestyle modifications. Some examples of these are diet, exercise, sleep habits and stress reduction.

What is the Hands-On Evaluation?

Active Release Technique is a specialized form of manual therapy that uses manipulation and movement to break up scar tissue. It’s an effective method for treating soft-tissue injuries, such as muscle tears, tendonitis and nerve entrapment, and it can be used by chiropractors who are trained in the art of ART.

To perform ART, the sports chiropractor will assess the muscles, fascia, ligaments and tendons surrounding the injured area. This will help determine if the problem is caused by tight muscles, adhesion or a combination of both. The sports chiropractor will then manually stretch and move the affected area, which can often feel like a deep massage.

While ART is commonly performed by sports chiropractors, it can be done by anyone with a health-related degree such as medical doctors or physical therapists. However, only a trained chiropractic practitioner can evaluate and treat the area in a way that ensures the best results.

What is the Lifestyle Change?

ART is a patented soft tissue system that can identify and treat the most difficult problems in muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves. It is used by professional sports teams and athletes because it helps speed recovery from overuse injuries. At Elite Performance Chiropractic our doctors are fully certified in ART and work one on one with their patients.

During ART sessions the chiropractor locates and examines the affected muscle and then manipulates it and moves it in specific ways to release the scar tissue and restore the muscle movement, flexibility and balance. This technique is often referred to as “fascia release”. The ART procedure involves physically prying apart the muscle and other tissues that are stuck together due to fibrous adhesions. This is done by the chiropractor putting precise tension on the muscle while moving it. During the process the practitioner feels a pop when the adhesion is released.

Athletes often come to the doctor complaining of pain in major muscle groups like the neck, shoulders, back, arms and legs. These muscle strains and pulls can occur from overuse or injury and usually result in reduced mobility and pain. A common occurrence is tennis elbow or golfers elbow caused by a shoulder impingement problem. Other issues can be wrist sprains and strains, carpal tunnel syndrome, leg pain or knee pain, calf pain, plantar fasciitis, rotator cuff injury, whiplash or other soft tissue injuries.

Many times these injuries or conditions are misdiagnosed by other medical professionals or patients. This is partly because of the fact that the body is so complex and there are so many things that can go wrong. However, the main reason is that we have a tendency to expect a quick fix from any type of medical treatment. This is especially true with the use of chiropractic manipulations. This is a big mistake and it leads to disappointment when the results do not last as expected. However, the philosophy behind chiropractic is that the power that created us can heal our bodies as long as we do not interfere with this innate ability. By understanding the science of chiropractic and what it can do for you, you will be able to see the difference between fact and fiction in this fascinating field of healing.

About Maura Harris

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